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With this powerful prayer to Yemayá, known as the mother of the world, you will be able to ask her for what you desire so much from your heart; but not only this, but also to alleviate all your anxieties, and to find the strength you need in your life.

Remember that Yemayá always goes out to defend each one of her children, being as fierce and tenacious as those waves that run into rocks.

His love is so great and kind, that you can be absolutely sure that by uttering these words as a prayer to Yemayá.

She will come to safeguard the lives of all those men and women who are devoted to her, filling them with a calmness and happiness never before experienced.

Prayer to Yemayá for the help of the goddess of the sea

Yemayá, you who are the female goddess of the Yoruba pantheon of the vast seas that form the world, your dance imitates the waves of the sea and the movement of the waves.

Through this prayer to Yemayá we ask the beauty of the blue sea, who rules the secrets of the salty waters, to come to our call.

In that jar of blue where you live and move like water, proud and haughty, with beautiful hips and a belly that gives birth to gods.

Yemayá goddess of the seas, your power is as immense as the force that moves the waves, your voice is so loud that it bounces among the reefs.

With this powerful prayer to Yemayá we ask you to pour a sea of emotions in us, all that we ask for from the heart you grant it.

You more than anyone else know all the anguish that grips our hearts, you know all that we need and all that we suffer for.

All we have to do is say this prayer to Yemayá at the foot of your waters, open our hearts and be totally honest.

I fully trust that you will give me only the right words, so that I may draw near to you; and that all my pleas will be heard and heeded.

To get as close as possible to mother Yemayá, we recommend that you go to the seashore with a maraca painted blue.