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The Regla de Osha, also known worldwide as Santeria, is based on the worship of all ancestors, Orishas and Oshas, which are deities of the Yoruba pantheon that possess great power and strength in nature.
In addition to this, together with Ifa, they form part of a series of religious groups, which thanks to transculturation and syncretism, thus mixing Catholic beliefs with what would be the Yoruba Religion.

Ifa, on the other hand, is known as the ancient religious system, which focuses on the wisdom offered by the very word of the diviner par excellence, Orula.
Thanks to the well-known oracle of Orula, advice is given to help guide man in his steps on earth; thus, it is the babalawos who spread this sacred word.
In addition to this, we must bear in mind that for the Santeros, there is only one supreme almighty God who goes by the name of Olodumare.
This is related to human beings through what would be extensions of it, which in turn are also considered divinities, which the Yoruba called Orishas.
It is worth mentioning that due to all these characteristics we can say that the Osha Rule is a polytheistic religion.
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The Osha Rule and sacrifices Discover their relationship!
Sacrifice in the Regla de Osha or known among Santeros as ebbó, is carried out among religious people to solve economic, health or religious problems.
Also by means of what would be divination by means of the three oracles, which are an integral part of the Yoruba religion:
- The ifa oracle, used by the babalawos
- The oracle of the diloggún, snails, used by santeros
- The Ibagué oracle used interchangeably by the two
It should be noted that when we talk about sacrifice it can be seeds, plants, metals, animals and many other objects that come from nature itself.
Generally in both the Regla de Osha and Ifa, the orishas and ancestors request that one to several types of animals be offered to them, specifying their gender.
Of course, this arises in the event that the life or well-being of the person being consulted is in danger; we must bear in mind that the animal’s blood is capable of restoring the rhythm of the person offering it.
But the question is, why is this? The blood offered to the orishas, or ancestor, is able to achieve this because it is linked to a rhythm in the body of the animal.
In the Regla de Osha, the santero is part of the daily life of the believer, becoming his intermediary with the supernatural, his counsellor and fortune teller.
Rank of the Santeros who are part of the Regla de Osha
We must say that the highest grade that exists in Santeria is the «Babalawos» who are crowned saints; Santeros are those who work with the African divinities through a conch shell or spiritual consultation.
It should be noted that in the Regla de Osha spiritual consultations are carried out in sessions and everything progresses according to what would be the development of each person in general.
On the other hand, the Oriate is the person in charge of successfully directing the divinity ceremonies (Orishas/Santo), so that they are carried out correctly and ensuring that only consecrated santeros are present.
In the Regla de Osha, the initiate or iyawo is the name given to the person who has already gone through the secret rituals.
However, the aleyos are all those who possess certain knowledge, are believers and are interested in the ceremonies that take place.
True Santeros who are part of the Regla de Osha clearly know that they must not reveal the secrets that are part of the religion to all those who are not consecrated.
If you want to know much more information about the Regla de Osha, and everything that conforms it, in Planeta Yoruba you can find all the information you need to grow spiritually.
Remember something, in this religion he who studies has arguments, he who doesn’t only repeats!